Thursday, December 08, 2005


by teresa
Today I was at Ben's school. They had a lot of work for me to do while I was at the desk. So the time flew by. Next week I will be there everyday to help out with the santas workshop (kids bring in money to buy family gifts). While working the desk the nurse marched Ben by me. He had a bloody nose. He gets these all the time, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He does however have some major congestion. I gave him some cough medicine before he left for school this morning. He was coughing terribly all night. I asked him if he wanted to stay home with me...but of course he refused. He loves school too much! He doesn't want to mess up his perfect attendance. Not long after returning home, I got a call from Nick's school. He was in the nurses office with a headache and a temperature (100.4). So I had to go get him. I hope he doesn't get worse. The nurse said alot of kids have been out this week, and they all started out with symptoms like Nick's. I bet one or both of them will end up having to stay home tomorrow. That should be fun!

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