Wednesday, June 06, 2007

by teresa

We've had some school issues to deal with this week.

The first was with Nick's librarian and teacher not allowing him to take a test on a book he read(they must earn at least 25 points a nine weeks...which usually means about 4 books...unless the books are really hard) because it was ABOVE his reading level. When he went to take the test the librarian told him it was above his reading level...and he needed a note from his teacher to take it. The teacher hemmed and hawed all day about it....and ended up not letting him take it. I was majorly ticked. How can you say a child can not go above their level. I can see not going below...but above? Are you serious? I (of course) wrote a note letting them know that if my child wants to attempt a book above his level....he is darn sure gonna be allowed to earn his points for it. The last part of my note read...."Heaven forbid a child be encouraged to reach above what is expected of him."
He took the note to school yesterday....and came home having taken...and aced the test. The one book alone earned him almost twenty points. YOU GO NICK!

The second school problem was with Lauren's cheer coach. It's a long I'll be brief. Back in the winter during a competition cheering event Lauren's xl jacket was taken by another girl. All the jackets were in a pile...under the coaches supervision. The coach told Lauren to take the xs that was left and they would resolve it later. When asked later...none of the girls fessed up. When Lauren stopped cheering she turned in all her uniforms...including the jacket(wrong jacket) and pants set.
Fast forward five months. Lauren gets pulled out of class and we get a threatening letter that if we don't pay $40 for Lauren's missing xl jacket she will not be allowed to graduate.
We are not just ticked about the letter. It's about Lauren's entire senior year with this lady. This woman is such a problem that EVERY SINGLE SENIOR ON THE SQAUD QUIT.
Anyway. I went to the school to deal with this woman yesterday. I was there waiting for over 40 minutes...and the woman seriously hid from me. They could find her nowhere. I came home to a message from her on our answering machine. I was upset that we had not had a face to face discussion. Without getting into specifics....this woman is the most high maintenance diva you could ever meet...and she creates drama wherever she goes.
Chris sent Lauren to school this morning with a letter for coach lady...a little scathing... putting her in her place...and perfect. He enclosed a $40 check for the jacket and a nice sized donation to the athletic dept. in honor of Lauren's graduation. I wish I could have seen her face when she read the letter.


Zephra said...

You are better people then me because I would have never paid the money.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nick!! Never be afraid to reach for the clouds!

And way to go Mama Bear! I had a problem with a soccer coach in high school. He wouldn't let me or the other girl on the team play during games because he was afraid we would get hurt (it was a boys team since there was no girls team at our school). My mom went in and had a little chat with the principal. The next day, the coach was called into a meeting during practice and from then on, the girls were regularly put into play on game days. Also, we had a new coach the next year. Yay, moms!

Gidget said...

Ahh. But the letter was like the cake and the money was icing that made it oh so sweet. The donation to the athletics teams who have it together was milk to wash it down just right (enclosed in the letter so she would have to deliver it to the people she was complaining to : "oh, and here is a generous donation in honor of that girl whose family I was ripping :))). Poor thing will brew over that all summer with no chance or reason to have another word said on her behalf. Bigger people take higher roads from which they can look down in pitty on the trodders of the low dirty road clogged with grumpy people. We actually hope it will cause self inspection and change for the other young people's lives she will touch.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!!! Where do the schools get these people and rules from????? I'm glad you got through to them and Nick was allowed to take that test. And I'm proud of how you and Chris handled the situation with Lauren.