Monday, November 26, 2007

comments and questions from this week...

by teresa

Stop wiping your boogers on the pillow!

Why do you want me to fall down the stairs?

Who put a finger nail in the butter?

Why are there four pitchers of tea in the house?

Who could drink all that tea?

Is there anymore of that tea left?

We need to get more tea!

Your chili makes my butt quiver.

Why is there poop on the couch cushion?

I like boobies!

If Katy has her boob out mom...I'll just close my eyes tight!

I'm not sharing my booty! I need to ration it!

hahahahaha Ben jumped into my fart cloud hahahaha!

If I buy you a new nightgown...will you throw away the grapefruit?


christincherie said...

I love these quotes!! These should be a blog regular ;o) And how do you get a fingernail in the peanut butter?? Haha!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Ahhh ... life with boys.

We probably don't want to know how the fingernail got in the butter, more specifically, where it had been before it found it's way to the butter.

Anonymous said...

There is never a dull moment in your home. I'll bet Chris said them all.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing ... that Chris said them all. And another thing ... we want to know the story behind the nightgown comment.