Monday, June 15, 2009

party at my house!

by teresa

Nick's party went off without a hitch. Katy and I spied out the windows and even ventured out to grab a hamburger and smoothie. There were girls there....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! In bikinis...oh my. And the boys didn't seem to be acting like doofuses.
We were very impressed as we were excluded from any of the pre-party planning, setting up, cooking or cleanup. Nick handled everything and we just provided the financial aid.
Swimming, grilling, smoothies, basketball and what teenagers do best....chilling and talking. It went on until 11:00pm and then Nick came in all smiles and hit the hay.
Apparently being popular is exhausting.

I have been forbidden from posting pictures...sorry.


Mom said...

They were a nice bunch of teens and they're welcome to come back anytime.

Nick is a great host.

Jackie Barham said...

WOW ... what a great kid to insist on doing all the work. Maybe you could rent him out.