Saturday, November 26, 2005

you know your days not going to be good when........

by teresa
Here's one way to tell that your day is not going to be good...........When your son stands over you at 6:45am, waking you from a dead sleep. the first words out of his mouth promise not to get mad? NOOOOOOOO! NOT ON SATURDAY! It turns out that Shorty (our dog) barfed and pooped ALL over the boys room. And when I say ALL over the room....I mean every foot or so (even under the beds)! He sleeps in their room most nights with the door closed so he will stay. I guess he had a tummy ached in the night. We should have seen it coming...because he was shooting some stinky bunnies all evening last night. We gave him this gianormous ham bone from thanksgiving and I think it made him ill.

If you have any "you know your days not going to be good when stories" please add them to our blog. It's therapeutic to share the joy!

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