Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's so beautiful outside!

by teresa

After I finished up some chores (laundry, dusting, vacuuming) I decided to pack up Shorty and take him to his favorite place in the world.

He met some new friends and got some much needed exercise. I took my camera and a book and plopped down in the grass and enjoyed the perfect (sunny, breezy,80 degrees) weather. I packed it up and came home when a cute little pug came into the park....and Shorty wouldn't stop trying to hump her. She was the only dog there that was shorter than him (I think he has a complex). I felt like that mommy at the playground who's kid keeps taking the other children's toys...or throwing sand or other such embarrassing acts where the other mommies (who's kids never do anything wrong) look at you like..."can't you control your brat?" "If you were a good mommy (or dog owner) your little one would not misbehave in public."
So I scooped up my horny hound and hit the highway.
Poor was just not meant to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Horny hound. That's funny. The little dog in the top left photo looks like our Chillie.