Friday, July 13, 2007

Hospital chairs are not comfortable to sleep in!

by teresa

After the hospital put off calling Katy in all day yesterday (it was supposed to be first thing in the morning) we were finally told to come around 6:00pm. That made for a long, long night.
We got settled in, hooked her up to iv's and monitors and them watched some tv. She started having contractions on her own around they put off giving her the pitocin. She labored (mildly) all night...only dilating to 3 by 6:00am. So they hooked up pitocin at 6:30, broke her water at 7:45, gave her an epidural at 8:45 (which only worked on her right side) and she deliver around 9:45. No pushing at all. One minute (literally one minute) she was 7 cms....the next the nurse checked her...and the baby was coming out. She had to hold the baby in while I gloved up her other hand, threw a towel over Katy and opened the birthing kit. She moved her hand, out popped Maya, Josh looked in shock and awe, and I got to play nurses assistant handing scissor clips, syringe, and blanket. Once things were over...the doctor arrived. She is so beautiful (aren't they all) and much loved. Josh's family came in from out of town to see her(their first grand baby) and our family has been visiting through the day too.
She will be spoiled rotten for sure.
Funny story....Mom took Kaden up to see the baby. Maya was in the baby warmer for the first twenty minutes of the visit. Kaden stood at the warmer pointing and saying "Baby Maya" "Baby Maya". Happy, smiling, pointing. picked up the baby (how dare she) and handed her to Katy. Kaden whined, fussed and yelled(in her I'm going through my terrible two's early way)..."PUT MAYA BACK NIGHT NIGHT!"


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Katy and Josh! And no pushing, that's awesome! When I was having Gideon, the nurse checked me to see how dilated I was. She said, "Looks like we're close to ready. Why don't you give a little push to see how close...Stop, Stop, STOP!" At which point she ran out of the room to get the doctor rushing in moments later with another nurse and a tray full of shiny things. Luckily my doctor happened to be in the hospital at the time, so about 15 minutes later Gideon was there! Some babies are in such a hurry! Sheesh!

Lainey-Paney said...

OMG! What a wonderful birth story!

...and poor Kaden...
He needs lots of snuggles!