Wednesday, July 11, 2007


By Chris

Charleston return trip is stalled in rainy Atlanta now. Been here 5+ hours. Flew out of Charleston now nearly 7 hours ago, and have yet to run into another nice person ;). Everyone here is crumpy and tired. Blackberry's out of juice . . . need to find a plug. Canceled flight started it all. The best option they could find for me was a flight to a different airport than where my car is. Teresa knows. Lauren's supposed to pick me up. Hope ya'll are watching online . . . because the new flight is now showing delayed. The only thing left to do is blog . . . so . .. random stuff to capture for history (we are going to print this whole thing and bind it one day):

- Learned earlier this week that we really shouldn't let Ben have Jolt. That's one of those energy drinks. He wanted it; we let him. Like throwing gas on a fire. I think he actually bounced off a wall and spit out a two-hour hyper run-on sentence.

- Our old rickety gate finally broke off this week. So, we have to actually walk Shorty the dog or guard the opening leading to the front yard. He pretty much minds me at the gate opening, but he tries to fake out the little ones. When the gate is up, he would run and do his business all quick. Now, he loafs around looking at you . . . no hurrying up about it. I don't know if he's shy or trying to figure out how to get out??

- Picked up an on-sale big box fan at the hardware mega store this week. Teresa's been complaining about the little replacement one she has been using for a couple of weeks. She likes big, loud fan noise all night every night. The new fan cost $12 on clearance. The computer prompted store associate asked me "would you like an extended protection plan on your home cooling device . . . " Hahahahahahahahaha.

- I won't give all the details, but have you ever had someone tell you something about yourself that you didn't even know? When it happens, it's a real live demonstration of the inaccuracy of the rumor mill. It's happened to us twice recently. The latest was a family wishing us well as we moved out of the area. Huh? We're moving? I heard one side of the conversation (Teresa was on the phone) . . . classic.

- Finally, the latest drama in our 'hood is a fox on the loose. Father-in-law has spotted it several times walking down the street and in yards. He has excellent survaillance details, and the neighbors have theories about his intents and living quarters.


Karen said...

Hey, Chris. I haven't been stuck in ATL for at least 6 weeks now. Fun, huh?! Tell Ben to avoid Diet Pepsi Max, too. My husband "accidentally" drank 5 cans in one day two weeks ago and was up ALL NIGHT! Also tell your lovely wife that I DEVOURED "The Kite Runner" at her suggestion. Best book recommendation I've gotten in a while! Hope you get home soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your flight was delayed, but it was nice hearing about everything that's been going on. I'm sure glad you're not planning on moving.