Monday, August 04, 2008

Actual questions and comments heard in the Green house this week

by teresa

I can pick my nose with my toe.

You're going to get athlete's boogers.

When I walked into the bathroom it smelled like I had stepped into a butt crack.

Whoa...that was almost a gynecological shot right there.

You are such a dork. Lucky for you I'm into dorks!

I need some watermelon!

Mom, why do I have to read for school? It's so stupid!

Come on...what did you think a movie called Mr. Woodcock was going to be like?

You can just look at that and know it's good.

Lock the door....Kaden's coming. can NOT have a third pack of fruit rollup stackers!

The cooks' cellphone ring in Maymar's (Filipino diner) was a kitty cat meowing. That's just wrong!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#1 has to be Lauren.