Tuesday, August 05, 2008


By Chris

It's been a long time since we've written about KiKi ... the dog. But, she topped herself tonight. She actually managed to break a portion of our wooden gate IN HALF to get out. There are teeth marks on the wood, so we can only assume that she literally bit treated lumber into submission. If you don't know the KiKi drama, look back a few months. She is an absolute Houdini escape artist. There really seems to be nothing that will keep this dog contained. Which reminds me ... that Nick is reading the book Marly and Me. All dog people should read this.

And speaking of the dogs . . . Last night Kaden's new puppy Dora came over to play (and, explaining exactly where Dora came from and where she lives is really too complicated a story for me to go into tonight. Dora doesn't live with us though. More on that later). KiKi has been Shorty the dog's girl for some time now. Since the fence has been down between the yards, they have been practically married. So here comes young Miss Thang Dora last night, and catches Shorty's eye. They're all ga-ga over each other, dog-flirting and chasing each other all over the yard. And, I swear, KiKi is looking at Shorty like "Oh no he didn't just take up with that young mutt like that!" He was being a figurative and literal dog at that point . . . from the ladies' point of view, anyway. It was hilarious. Katy, seeming to relate to KiKi's situation, was all sympathetic for the termporarily scorned KiKi. "Awweee her feelings are hurt," she said at one point. We were joking that Shorty was in deep doo-doo when Dora left. Which makes me think . . . I wonder if that's what got her fired up enough to bite a gate in half? Could be. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet KiKi got out to go pay Dora a visit and kick her little wagging tail.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a woman scorned.

Anonymous said...

Thats for SURE, Jackie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!