Thursday, August 30, 2007

drop and give me twenty!

by teresa

Heading to Nick's school to meet teachers this morning. We also need to buy his gym clothes while we're there. He is so torn about 7th grade. There is extreme excitement about finally getting a locker....but 7th grade also comes with mandatory dress out for gym class. I used to hate this. Changing into gym clothes and getting all sweaty....then changing back and heading to the rest of your classes. It's torture! is an easy it's got that going for it.

I finished calling the soccer teams last night...and all the kids and parents seem excited to get the season started. Our first practice is Wed. night. I sure hope the temps. start a dive(and stay there)...cause I'm not looking forward to running around in the 90's.

I don't know what time Chris finally got in this morning. I think around 1:00am or close to it. The boys and I were snoozing long and hard by then. Lauren rolled in so late (3:00am) that Chris thought she was spending the night out and locked and bolted the front door. We have got to get a deadbolt key made for her....cause I was not happy being woke up at 3:00am by a call from Lauren sitting in her car unable to come in. She was hanging at her friend Christina's dorm room (she goes to Regent University) and I thought she was spending the night. I guess since she had to be at work so early this morning she decided to come home. I couldn't go back to sleep for then it was time to get up. Needless to say...I am tired and grumpy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Lauren she can always come next door to her Nanny's house if she's locked out at home. I could definitely go back to sleep with no problem.