Saturday, November 22, 2008


by teresa

I have full out lost my mind.
I am heading out to Ben's soccer game.
It is 26 degrees.
What in the world were we thinking when we signed up to be in a tournament in November?
Last November it was in the high 70's most days. We even had thanksgiving dinner outside on the patio!
We have 4 games this weekend.
Send me your warm thoughts.
I don't know if I'll thaw enough to blog again until at least Tuesday.


Jackie Barham said...

Brrrr is right. I've heard those soccer people are crazy. This confirms it. :)
I like your new Blog page.

Jackie Barham said...

Just kidding about the crazy thing, you know :) It's awesome to have kid stuff to bring us all together.

Watkins said...

Love reading your blog and the bread and honey one. Recipes are great. It is just getting cool here so I might whip up some muffins before the baby wakes up. Mel