Wednesday, May 06, 2009

you thought you knew, but you have no idea

by teresa

I want to be a better mom and wife. I know many of you think this is not possible (hahahaha)....but I have you all fooled.

I need more time in the day. Time to nap, read, have a perfect house and happy family.

I wish I could find a product that truly took the frizzies out. They say they do....but they lie. I hate my hair in this humidity. I wonder if the ACS has an office in Washington state. I bet my hair would rock there.

I should have payed more attention in Algebra class. It is really coming back to bite me now when I have to scan over my son's homework.

The word NO needs to be implanted in my brain. Apparently it is not in my vocabulary.

I am a christian. I like Harry Potter. I like Twilight. Any comments on that one?

My hands are looking very old. This actually bothers me.

I do projects with and for my children. Why? Cause they wouldn't do a good enough job (to my standards). That is so sick isn't it?


Mom said...

There are probably so many others who are alot like you. I know that I am because so many of the things you listed are the things I do and the way I feel. I think you could find some way to take care of your frizzies without moving to WA.

christincherie said...

You're hair always looks fab whenever I see you. As far as Harry Potter and Twilight...I'll be praying for you ;o)

Anonymous said...

Please don't move to WA...I haven't even gotten to hang out with you guys outside of MOPS yet!!!

Watkins said...

I'll be praying for you too. (Just don't let it be a stumbling block.) My niece just became a Christian and she is avid reader of all genres (as she would say) including Harry Potter. But not me . . . we are all different.

Remember - you are an awesome prayer warrior and a great mom!