Friday, February 16, 2007

by teresa

Poor Nicky. Up late...puking. He also had a fever and spots on his face. That's right...spots. Never seen this before. Once his fever went down they faded a bit. I checked him all over and there is nothing. Just on his cheeks and by his ears. I'm keeping an eye on it. Any thoughts?

I have spent the past six hours since Ben left for school cleaning, laundering, raking (part of the party is in the backyard), gutting the garage of it's clutter(I put eight bags and boxes of junk to the curb this morning), shopping and nursing Nick. I have everything I need except marshmallows. I forgot the stupid marshmallows! We are having a fire and sing-a-long (Laurens friend is coming to play the guitar and lead the kids in songs) and roasting marshmallows at the party. So I must go out again later and pick some up. Unless someone reading this blog right now would like to bring some home. Anyone...anyone...Bueller?

Well I'm off to cut out pieces for the bingo game I made.

Please pray that Nick will fell better and that none of the rest of us gets sick (what a nightmare that would be).


Lisa said...

Prayers are going up right now for your family.


Anonymous said...

Poor Nicky. I pray that he feels much better this morning and that NO ONE ELSE gets sick. IN JESUS' NAME!!!

Dysd Housewife said...

I am sure this is way too late, but what the heck. What you are describing is a fever rash. Also known as a heat rash. TOTALLY freaked me out the first time my son had it. It's under the skin, makes them look like little human dalmations. My son gets them with every high fever.

Anonymous said...

yoo. strange thread!