Monday, October 22, 2007

by teresa

Ben has such a hard time getting up for school in the morning.
Not every once in a while either.
Every. Single. Morning.

It doesn't matter what time he goes to bed.
Early. Late. Right on time.
Still whines, moans and begs when I get him up for school.

It's not what you think. He loooooves school!
He also looooves the bus. So when I suggest that he sleep in...and I'll drive him myself....he refuses adamently.

I know what he's feeling. Getting up at 6:30am for ridiculous.
It is still dark...and every day he accuses me of changing the clock.
"'s still dark!" "You must have changed the clock!"
Grrrrr....what a grump.

Today, as his bus was coming down the street and he was walking out the door he turned to me and said, "School should NOT start this are on the PTA should speak up and get that fixed!"


Anonymous said...

We're doing PM kindergarten this year, so I don't have to deal with early mornings yet. Next year will be a different story, butfor now I'll just enjoy our lazy weekday mornings.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Yea, really, what's wrong with you?! LOL!

Sterling Dawn said...

i starts too early and goes for too long. those poor kids. of course, we all lived through it for 13 years, i guess they can too. it still stinks.

but he's right, you're on the PTA. get 'er done!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Kid's got a point Mom. Isn't it great how kids think Mom and Dad can fix anything. I agree with him ... a kid should not have to get up while it's still dark to go to school.