Tuesday, January 15, 2008

by teresa

Sunday my preteen son stroked my hand while we were praying in church.

I don't think he even realized he had done it.

We were holding hands praying and he ran his finger along my hand so tenderly.

Kinda like I remember doing while holding the hands of my children when they were toddlers.

To let them know I'm there. A silent little I love you.

It was such a simple gesture....but it melted my heart and left me wishing he would stop growing up so fast.

When he realized I was staring up (he past me in height long ago) smiling at him...he let go.


"While we try to teach our children all about life....our children teach us what life is all about".


Anonymous said...

They do grow up way too fast. Tender moments like this are God's way of bringing joy to a mother of a preteen. It's apparent that your kids love you (and Chris) so much.

Anonymous said...

Nick is so precious. I love it when he kisses me and says "I love you Nanny." I hope that NEVER changes.