Wednesday, September 24, 2008


by teresa

Today was See You At The Pole all across the country.
My kids have participated in it for years.
I dropped Nick off early to join in with his friends (and a few teachers) to pray around the flagpole.
Pray for their school, friends, teachers, government, and their nation.
I am very proud of Nicky for not being ashamed to show his fellow students (around 800 kids arriving by bus and parent drop off) that being a child God is cool.

SYATP connects believers together at the beginning of the school year, so you can stand strong together throughout the year. It's about you coming together and laying aside all the labels and groups for one day, to simply connect with God in prayer and connect with fellow Christians in unity around the flag pole—whether jocks, preps, geeks, Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, sophomores, or seniors.


Anonymous said...

We're so proud of Nicky too for being so steadfast in his faith ... and for not being ashamed to declare it and demonstrate it in his actions! GO NICK!!

Anonymous said...

Amen to what Jackie said. Stay on the narrow road, Nick!

kristi said...

I saw this at the jr high and high school yesterday. It was awesome!