Tuesday, September 09, 2008

“I think Little League is wonderful. It keeps the kids out of the house.” Yogi Berra

by teresa

Nephew Kai had his first baseball game of the season. It was hot and muggy, but well worth the bug bites to see Kai do his thing. He was up to bat three times and hit doubles each at bat. Good job Kai! If only the rest of the team did that well. The score was a bazillion to 5. But we'll get 'em next time.

The highlight of the night was not on the field, but behind the dugout. When niece Kaden rolled up in her "look at me....I'm a psycho barmaid" outfit. That crazy kid is the only one that could pull that look off.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that pictures. It is now on my desktop. You're right. . . only Kaden could pull that look off. And if anyone would have teased her, they would have been sorry. I noticed alot of the little girls looking at her (but not like they thought it was weird - just like they wished they had an outfit like that).

Anonymous said...

"Psycho barmaid"; you told me you purchased the outfit. Busted!


Anonymous said...

Out of the house and active! You are right though, some of the best action is in the stands.

Anonymous said...

When Yogi Berra said that (back in the day) ... kids were able to go out in the neighborhood and play baseball. It's a sad thing that they can't do that anymore.