Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Allen's Plumbing Services

by teresa
Realized today that the cabinet under my sink in the kitchen was wet. Luckily...I store my big Christmas bowl under there....so the bowl was full and the wood was dry! Thank you Lord!! Anyway....I cleaned out underneath the sink and got down on my hands and knees to check out what need to be done. Once I looked I saw immediatly what the solution was...............call daddy! I walked next door into my parents back yard.....daddy....I called. Whaaaaat.....he hollered. I need you.....my sink is leaking. He turned, grabbed a wrench, and followed me into my house. It took about 5 minutes for hime to disassemble the pipe with the hole in it and he sent me up to the hardware store with it. 5 minutes later I was back with 2 new pieces....and 15 minutes later it was installed. Now that's service! And all it cost me is a "thank you daddy"...and a plate of food next time I make one of his favorites. Look at this picture....he's busy sawing the new pipe to fit.


Anonymous said...

Daddy said he was very happy he could help his baby.

Anonymous said...

A good fix it guy's work it never done.