Thursday, October 13, 2005


by teresa
This morning I ask Lauren if she would please take a trashbag aroung and empty all the trashcans in the bathroom. She grunted at me and got up from the computer. I guess that meant....okay mom....I 'll get right on that for you.
Well she went upstairs and emptied the trash can in her room and them came down stairs. Did you do the bathroom upstairs...I asked. Well...ummm....someone dumped something liquid in it and it poured out of the bag on the floor so I couldn't get that trash. It stinks and I might throw up....she said. So what did you do...I asked. Nothing...I just left it there. Arrrrgggghh! Lauren....go upstairs and clean it up and empty the trashcan. So she goes back up. A few minutes later Nick goes to brush his teeth in there........MOOOOOM! There is something wet all over the place up here. Lauren...did you clean it all up? I put a towel on top of it...she said. LOOOORD! Well...go up and take these Lysol wipes with you..... and scrub everywhere..... and check if it is on the rugs...and if it is bring them down to be washed if they are dirty. Actually...just bring EVERYTHING down...okay????? OKAY MOM! So she stomps upstairs...takes about 20 seconds and stomps back down with all the rugs. Did you wipe everywhere Lauren? YES!
Fine...I said. Afew minutes later, when I came in from Ben's bus stop...I smelled something awful. Lauren....what is that smell? I don't know? Did you clean everywhere? Yes! Where is the trashcan..I ask. Sitting in the bathroom..she says. Duh!! Good grief!! Sitting there..still filled with whatever was fermenting in it. Lauren....why would you leave it up there? Of course I didn't expect her to answer this question. Just bring it down and put it on the back porch so I can rinse it out and bleach it!!!!! All I asked was to empty 3 trashcans! 3 trashcans!! Was that too much to ask????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teenagers ... ya gotta love 'em.