Friday, December 22, 2006

by teresa

What a busy week.

I had some funs days...but I'm glad it's over.

Lots of commitments at the kids schools. Meetings, making teacher and office staff gifts, parties, concerts,volunteer days, etc.

A couple of days ago I was lucky enough to go shopping with some of the needy kids from school. A wonderful person donated twenty $100 Target giftcards to the school for kids who were in need. Some office workers, resource teachers and myself were blessed to be able to take the kids shopping. We had a blast (especially the kids) spending all that money. Most of the parents said the kids could buy whatever they wanted...which was nice. One mom showed up and tried to accompany her child on the trip....which was not allowed. She got all mad and then instructed us to NOT let her buy the $50 babydoll she has been whining for! She gave us a list of the girls siblings and said she wanted her to buy for them as well. Nice huh? The girl was all teary and we were not happy. I have had the pleasure of being in this womans company before...and she is always like this with her kids.
After shopping a local restaraunt treated all the kids to lunch. We ate and sang carols (much to my chagrine...I am not one to like singing infront of total strangers while they look at us like...why are these people singing in the middle of a buffet?)

Yesterday I worked Nick's reading room...then headed over to Ben's school for his Christmas party. Some mom sent cupcakes in the brightest neon shades of red, green and yellow. The kids made a total mess. They decorated stockings and did a word search. They also watched the Rudolph movie. Ben came away with three goodybags filled with chocolate and Christmas pencils.

After the party we went straight to Nick's school for his band classes "casual concert". Chris and my mom met us there and Nick was beyond pleased at our appearance. They played so well (seriously good) and we are so proud of Nick.

Now it's Friday morning....the kids are off until January 2nd. Of course they were both up by 7:00am this morning (habit I guess). Lauren had some friends spend the night last I am trying to keep them quiet so they don't feel sissy's wrath. Later I think we are going to take some pictures with Katy's kids (Christmas gifts) and then go to karate. I still have a smidge of shopping to do too.

Before I go I wanted to show you what Ben did to the dog. I noticed something on Shorty's collar the other day and I couldn't figured out what it was. I corraled him and saw it was a pedometer. Ben had attached it under Short's collar. I don't know how long it had been there...but it had registered over 15,000 steps. You go Shorty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! It makes me tired just reading about how much you've done this week. Those kids are so cute. What a great thing to get to go shopping with them.

Shorty logs all of those steps when he makes his escape from your yard when you put him outside.