Sunday, March 22, 2009

another Saturday come and gone

by teresa

Ben's soccer game was not very exciting. They won 12 to 0. At some point you actually feel guilty for cheering and start routing for the other team to do...anything. He has a makeup game this afternoon and I hope it is a more challenging team.

Nick was out with church friends most of the day. They had a prayer vigil, consumed way too much CiCi's pizza and practiced for an Easter skit they will be performing for the church. Can you think of a better way for a 13yr old boy to spend a Saturday?

Lauren slept, worked and I happened to catch a peek at her around 1:00am. Such is the life a soon to be twenty-something.

I had my book club meeting last night, which you guys know is my favorite night of the month. We discussed the book, laughed (till my face hurt), shared memories, mishaps and miracles. I love those ladies to the moon and back.

I came in from book club to find my husband looking rode hard and put away wet. Apparently in the four hours I was gone the boys teamed up to ...bring him down. I don't know exactly what happened, but before he trudged up to bed I heard him mumble something about a Wendy's chicken sandwich getting thrown across the room....the dog running Ipod brawl and a naked boy sobbing in the kitchen crying out ,"You can't handle things the way mom does!"

*whisper* I can't wait till next month *whisper*


Anonymous said...

That "come home" song is perfect. I'll bet Chris was singing that the whole time you were gone. I always enjoy the Book Club too. Thanks, Kitty, for making my favorite cake! And thank you, Linda, for buying that delicious birthday cake with the sweet icing. Thanks to Jackie, too, for making that delicious beef stew. Next time, please don't tell me what's in it until after I've finished eating it.

Jackie Barham said...

HAHAHAHA! You should install a video camera to see what goes on when you're not home. The only thing I can think of a better way for my Nicky to spend a Saturday is with me. I suppose they have to grow up. It was a good weekend ... two soccer games and book club. I love soccer! It's fun getting to know Ben's friends and their parents.