Tuesday, July 18, 2006

“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing”

by teresa

Okay...somebody please stop me! I am out of control! I have been on this cleaning kick and I can't stop myself. I know I have "thought" my house was clean up to this past weekend....but it wasn't. It was all an illusion. On the outside...perfection! Behind the cabinets...inside drawers....open up the closets...and it looked like this!

But not anymore...I have been a lean(well maybe not so much), mean(just ask my kids and they'll confirm), cleaning machine! I have now made it so that I can open any drawer...any cabinet...any closet...anywhere in the entire house (except attic space) and see nothing but organization. I even tackled the boys toys closet today. I put all the right peices to all the games and puzzles. Threw out all those happy meal doodads and broken toys. I even made a list of everything that is in need of new batteries. I am so pleased with myself! I think I will celebrate by stripping to my underwear and laying on the floor(that smells like this) and making carpet angels in every clean room(after everyone goes to sleep of course...I mean...I don't want to frighten the children).


The Yanceys said...

Ok T., you have all these tricks and things you can do on your blog. You need to teach me how.

Anonymous said...

I love that quote about cleaning! Thanks for stopping by our place the other day. You've got a great site (I've done lots of archive reading!) I keep saying things like "they've got a Ben too!" and "hey, their boys take karate too!" and "they live near Grand Betty!"

Anonymous said...

It is a great feeling to clean out drawers and closets. I need to do the same thing. You must have thrown away alot because your Daddy mentioned that he saw your trash can and already it is so full the top won't close.