Sunday, July 09, 2006

stupid people make me mad...

by teresa

Yesterday I did alot of running around. I took Nick with me so I could get his hair cut. We also went to Target and Harris Teeter. While in Target there was this little girl (3yrs?) running from aisle to aisle calling for her mommy. I shadowed her until she came across the aisle her mommy was on. The two of us ended up scaling half the store. We finally found her and the mother wasn't even looking for her. She looked annoyed that the girl was screaming her name and crying...and snatched her and fussed at her to "be quiet...and stand here!" Then she went about her business of looking at the merchandise again. Grrrrrr!
I wish I would have said something to her....but I just winked at the little girl (she smiled) and I walked away (muttering under my breath). This woman (and many others) need to be schooled on the fact that there are scary people out there looking to snatch a child from heedless parents.

Then at the Best Cuts there was a mom there with her teenage son. From the discussion she was havng with him I guess he had long hair before he came in...and mom was making him get it cut. This mom sat in the chairs berating her son (infront of the entire store) the entire time they were in there. Good grief! Things like..."stop moping...and get that look off your face"! "If you don't sit up in that chair right now your gonna be sorry"! "Maybe now you will be able to get a date"! "You probably would have made Allstars if you would have cut your hair sooner"! The kid never said a word to her...but she felt the need to yell these things across the salon. People like this irk me! It's like she was showing off to all of us how great of a disciplinarian she thinks she is. She kept looking at us like...see I got him under my thumb! I looked at her and said (IN MY HEAD)....Oooh I'm so impressed with your strong-arm parenting skills. Teach me O wise one! I would love to learn how to degrade my children in public places.
Parenting For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Do you come across parents like these often? What do you do...or say to them? Give me some pointers so I will be prepared next time.


a.d. said...

I can totally relate! One of my biggest pet peeves is people who let their children wander aimlessly through stores, and the parents don't seem to care about the whereabouts of their children. I don't understand why people think this is ok!

Anonymous said...

There are some people who just shouldn't have children. It upsets me, too, when I see what you described. So sad. . .

Anonymous said...

Things like that make me so angry I want to smack the moran parents. And we wonder why children act the way they do. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do. These days if you say anything the angry or clueless parent is liable to shoot you or something. I know ... we can go on a campaign to pray for these children and their parents whenever we see something like this happen. As you know ... it'a amazing what God will do through praying Moms.