Saturday, September 16, 2006

Keys and DC

By Chris

Teresa forgot the best detail of her library trip. Sitting in my office, just getting the day started, a strange number comes in on my cell phone. Typically, I don't answer a phone when I don't know who is calling (and sometimes, I don't answer when I do know who it is!). For some reason, I picked it up. I was pretty surprised to hear Teresa on the other end, explaining that she was locked out of her car at a gas station. On the other side of town. Off I went. When I arrived, her car was parked at a pump and she was using one of the window towels to detail the outside of her car. Always cleaning, I guess. The strange number? She had to borrow some dude's cell phone; hers was locked in the car.

I'm in DC now. On a Saturday. It's weird. I'm watching football in a hotel room. On a Saturday. I do my fair share of traveling, but rarely . . . like almost never . . . on the weekend. It will be especially weird tomorrow . . . Sunday . . . to go to meetings and stuff. Anyway, I do have a wide screen, flat panel tv in the room, so that's cool to watch games on. There's plenty on, but ESPN is not working. The picture is incredible on this thing. After having it for a week, I am going to want to upgrade my bedroom tv. I mean, you can see the people on the sidelines, in the background of the football game and make out their facial expressions! Anyway, Teresa wanted me to put up some pictures of my room, for some reason, this time. Here's my dinner, TV, and hallway view, honey.


Gidget said...

It looks cozy honey. One of the pics didn't turn out. You need to put up a picture of the room (comfy bed).

Miss you

Gidget said... just appeared.
Your some at might not want to return :0)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see what you had for dinner. What was under those lids?

Anonymous said...

You could get a widescreen LCD tv for Teresa's birthday....