Thursday, September 22, 2005

Alpha rules!!

by teresa
Lauren gets out of her entire class schedule today. It is underclassmen pictures day and the yearbook staff is running the show. Well....ladeedah! She had to have signatures from all of her teachers giving permission. She also had to go in early today to take a test she would be missing today. It should be a fun day for her. School should be fun. I'm glad she has made school such a big part of her life. After school they are having Alpha tryouts. So she will be at school until about 8:00pm or later. She gets to help call the girls who made it at their homes tonight and give them the good news. She is really looking forward to this! I also was in Alpha Omega Phi Tri Hi Y in high school. Chris says me and the other ANGELS (this is your title in Alpha) were bigs snobs. I told him he should feel lucky that he had an "angel" as a girlfriend! Just kidding!! You guys know I am not, nor have I ever been, a snob! Right?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely ... you are not a snob! Lauren is an awesome kid who takes after her Mom.

Anonymous said...

Make that Mother-in-Law