Monday, September 26, 2005

green belt

by teresa
Friday was Nick's green belt testing day. He has had his orange belt for 4 months now. This is a big deal for him because as a green belt you spar more and you get to help teach the little dragons classes(4, 5 and 6yr olds). Along with all the "fighting stuff" he had to learn he also had 15 bible verses to memorize for his test. At his school, if you don't know the don't get to test! I love it!! Well, Nick has a hard time with this. We practice and practice....then the next day he forgets everything. So we really focused the last few weeks. And with all of his school work this meant no free time for Nick. Finally friday came. We were both very excited. I got him out of school early so he could take the afternoon test. We drove over to the dojo.....the whole way he was saying how thrilled he was.....and as I pulled up to the dojo I realized I had left his uniform AT HOME! NOOOOOOOO! I tuned around and sped home. It was 1:10 and the test started at 1:30! We live a good 15 minutes from the school. We pulled up at the house, ran in, got the uniform and he changed in the backseat on the way there. We caught every light!I was majorly STRESSED! I could not let this child miss this test. He had worked so hard! What kind of a mother am I? Well, we got there at 1:37 and ran in. They had not started the test yet. People were still warming up on the mats. Yeah!!!! He tested! He passed! I breathed! Now I have until January before the next test....and then we will do this all over again. Except next time I will surely remember his uniform! After they recieved their belts the instructor asked them to all turn around and give the parents a hand. He said without all the time and energy (and money) we devote to their Karate ambitions....they wouldn't be getting the awards at all. Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teresa truly is THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD! Right Nick? Congrats Nick. I know how hard it is to memorize Bible Verses ... I'm proud of you and so is God!