Friday, September 09, 2005

Lauren's Driving Huh?

By Chris
Girls are soo different than boys. Licensed and insured, Lauren will not drive yet. Of course, if she would, it would be our obligation to ensure she has a safe and reliable means of transportation, at a reasonable payment. I'm thinking a blue 2002 Honda would be a good deal for her. I happen to have one of those. That, of course, would mean I'd have to sacrifice and shake some car dealer down for a good deal on new wheels for me. Some things come to mind. ahh, what to do. I really love the smoth reliable Accord. But a little muscle would be pretty nifty too. Here's what I'm thinking about. . . Ben would be excited either way, I bet. But he would totally freak out over the Charger. It has a HEMI, after all.


Anonymous said...

Chris... in order to have a muscle need muscles. hahaha

Anonymous said...


One word: Mustang.

I just recently watched the 1968 movie classic "Bullitt" (thanks to Netflix). It has one of the best car chase scenes ever -- about 20 minutes of a Mustang chasing a Charger through San Francisco.

Guess which car ends up winning?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim. Yeah, Mustang's new look makes that oohhh so tempting too. Maybe we could get a good deal on two!

And Katy, I will get you on the blog later!!