Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Day one

by teresa
The first day of school has came and went without incident(if you don't count the bus ordeal). Only 179 more to go. Lauren had a great day. Lots of friends in her classes and lunch bell. She was very chatty about it when we picked her up from cheering practice after school. Ben had a good day too. He said his teacher was very nice and had a contest where they could earn big rewards for good behavior. This made Ben very happy! A contest! Ben is all about turning everything into a competition, why should school be any different? And then there was Nick. The one we all worry about. Will he be nervous? Will he get scared? Will he get his feelings hurt? Will he need to call me to get through the day? I kept waiting for my phone to ring. The office calling to tell me they have Nick in there with them and he is upset. The office staff got to know me pretty good last year, that's for sure. But.....no call! Nick had a great day. He said, "mom, my teacher smiles alot" and "she gives a smiley face to you everytime you are caught being good". He got three already. Of course! He is anxious to go back tomorrow. This is wonderful. We will just keep taking it one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

GO NICK! Just gotta treat you right, huh? Just goes to show Smiles and Smiley faces go a long way.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the cream of wheat helped, too!