Thursday, September 15, 2005

Just Smile

by teresa
I just picked Nick up from school. He is still very excited about school. He has really taken to his teacher. She had him stay after school yesterday to help her make a new display for the classroom. This was thrilling for him. He said he recieved 7 smiles today. He said she gave him 3 of the smiles for staying after and helping her yesterday. He was very proud. I love this game the teacher has set up. Rewarding kids for good behavior works everytime. He says if she sees them doing something good she tells them,"you just made me smile" and them puts a smile by their name. I think us adults would benefit from this too. Actually, this does happen. Can't you picture God up in heaven looking down at all the things we do, pray, say, feel, share, and want, each day? And telling us, "you just made me smile". Putting another smile by your name in the lambs book of life. How many smiles would you have got today?


Anonymous said...

I'm sure I get at least 500 a day. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Amen! I'm sure Teresa gets lots and lots of smiles by her name (and so does "best Sister in the World). I'lll bet Teresa got a ccouple of bonus smiles from God for this terrific testimony.

Anonymous said...

She makes me smile alot, too.

I'm so thankful that she loves God and shares Him with others - especially the little children she teaches and the old ladies she helps in bathrooms of fast food restaurants.