Saturday, March 18, 2006

it's a dismal day

by teresa
We've had a pretty quiet day. Nick went camping with his Royal Ranger group from church to the Great Dismal Swamp. heard me right. The Dismal Swamp! It's a wildlife refuge here in Va. I think it was even part of the Underground Railroad. Pretty cool! Anyway....they left early this morning and will get back tomorrow night. We had soccer practice with Ben and then came home and cleaned the backyard together and played ball with Ben outside in the pretty weather. I also took our team shirts to get the names put on them. Lauren had to work most of the day and is now off with her friends. They got all dressed up and went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. How adult of them. Ben spent several hours over Nanny Jackie's today (she was alone because George is on the campout too). So with no kids for awhile I took a long nap and Chris layed on the couch and watched basketball (of course). Now Ben is home and we also offered for cousin Kai to spend the night with him. He can just sleep in Nicky's bed. They (Ben and Kai) were beyond thrilled with this suggestion. I've just sent them upstairs to get on their pj's. I think I will go put a movie in for the boys in their room and crawl in my bed and watch Gladiator (Joaquin..*sigh*). I'll leave Chris to his March Madness on the big screen downstairs!

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