Thursday, June 01, 2006

just another day at the Green's

by teresa
Last night I lay in the bed and read until I fell asleep. I was reading a sweet little book called...Lunch at the Picadilly. Anyway...I woke up a short time later and my reading light was still on. So being half asleep and too lazy to get up...turn around and flip it off. I tried to stretch/twist/extend my arm beyond any human capability up to the lamp to turn it off...all with my eyes closed. didn't go very well for me. I ended up knocking the lamp off the shelf and onto my head. The shade shot off and on to the floor, the bulb part hit my nose and went *poof*, then burned out. My nose was all sore and burned where the bulb hit it. Nice!
Then around 1:00am our electricity went out. Remember...we are a clan of FAN sleepers! We MUST have the fan on at all times during sleeping hours. So when the electricity goes out....making the fan cut off...we are all WIDE awake! A couple seconds after it went out I heard Lauren's bedroom door open. She comes busting (and I do mean busting....she hit the door so hard it flew back and hit the wall) in our room with a flashlight. Why in the world did she have a flashlight readily available in her room? Anyway...she was all....DADDY...THE ELECTRICITY IS OUT! We were like...okay....and? She looked outside our window and said it looked like everyone elses was out too. Well...of course it's going to look like's 1:00am...everyone is asleep! Then she stumbled back to bed...about 30 minutes later the electricity came back on...and I drifted back into sleep.
This morning, despite the happenings in the night, I felt very refreshed when I woke up. I came my notes together for my Moms In Touch meeting this morning and then got the children up. I am leaving in a minute...then heading to do the security desk at Ben's school. The people are coming today to install the new basketball hoop. So the boys (especially Chris) are very excited. Unfortunately we have double karate lessons this they won't get much playing time outside today. You guys have a great day..and I'll catch up with you all this afternoon.


The Yanceys said...

That is so funny about the "fan" thing, because we're the same way.

When the electricity goes out at our house at night, we have to stay awake until it comes on, so we can go back to sleep.

It's true. Doesn't make sense, but it's true.

Gidget said...

That "flashlight" was Lauren's cell phone. She was probably talking on it when the power went out!


Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.