Tuesday, May 02, 2006

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!....yikes....

by teresa

Just another boring Tuesday night at the Green's house. Oh yeah...unless you count the 5 gun shots that just rang out...followed by the police searching my begonia's for shell casings! But other than that.....just ho hum!


Anonymous said...

Great Googily Moogily!! I hope you locked up your doors and windows tight!

When I worked at Blockbuster, I had just been transferred to a store and had closed the store one night. I stepped outside, locked the door, and looked across the street to see two police helicopters and several police with guns drawn all surrounding the Target across the street. When I saw the store I was working at on "COPS" a few days later, I immediately put in for a transfer to another location!

Anonymous said...

WHAT!? Did they find anything?
I need details!