Monday, May 08, 2006

book report

by teresa

On tuesday Lauren has a rough draft on a paper about the book David Copperfield due. She told me this on friday (i'm surprised she didn't wait until monday evening). She has read the book..but she claimed she needed the cliffnotes too. So she could write about symbolism and character comparisons. So Chris told her by Sunday morning she had to have it exceptions. She worked from 11:45-8:45 Saturday. I called her around 9:00 to see why she wasn't home yet. She said...I told you I needed to go by Barnes and Nobles for tthe cliff notes. Oh yeah..I said. Well...are you on your way home now? No...I'm still at the bookstore. Why? I'm doing my report. Huh? Apparently...Lauren decided not to buy the cliff notes. Just to borrow the cliff notes. She took the book from the shelf...went to a table and did her report...then put the book back. I'm not BUYING the notes..she said. I only need it for one day! Good's only like $3.00. This just cracks me up. Picturing her sneaking to some table in the back of Barnes and Nobles with the book. Writing as fast as she could before they closed...and then putting the book back. And knowing how "gentle" Lauren is with her things...I can't imagine what shape it was in when she returned it. Torn and folded edges....pen marks....drink spilled on it...cover folded back. She doesn't share my love and appreciationof the written word. It is an annoyance...a punishment to have to read a book. I think she was switched a birth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lauren must have worked hard on that report if she spent 9 hours on it. I must shamefully admit to having copied many a set of cliffnotes in order to "write" a report for school (I'm not saying Lauren did that, just that I did), both in high school and college. While not exactly the honest way to write a paper, it is indeed the fastest!