Thursday, April 13, 2006

spring four

by teresa
We had a nice day today. Great weather (80's)...sunny...breezy. I planted the rest of my flowers and Nick helped our neighbor paint her porch. Ben just rode his bike around the yard until I was done. Lauren got up early and drove with some friends from church to Nags Head beach. The boys and I went to the mall for the dollar movie...but all 3 kids movies (Nanny McPhee, Curious George, Pink Panther) were sold out. Bummer...Ben cried! We did get in some shopping for Nick. He needed an easter outfit. So we went to Hects (I had a gift card) and bought a cute outfit. They had all their Polo brand on sale...YES!!! Then we headed over to rackroom and got some boat shoes for the boys to wear to church during the spring and summer. I think they are so cute with khakis and no socks (I like the preppy look). The boys were pretty tolerant with all the I took them to Tropical Smoothie Cafe for a late lunch. Then we came home and watched Narnia for the umpteenth time. I love me some talking beavers! Ben had soccer practice at 5:30...which I had to run by myself since my hubby was still in Hotlanta. The kids were unruly..and the hour dragged by! Now we are home...showered...jammied up and watching tv(American Inventor). I am waiting for Big Poppa to home to mommy!! I'm reffering to Chris just in case you were wondering. Chris' flight comes in about an hour. There is a thunderstorm going on right now...I hope that doesn't effect his flight. I hope he is off work tomorrow so we can all do something together. He should be off since it is Good Friday and all. Well I'm off to lounge on the couch with Nicky. Peace out.

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