Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mr. Popular (with the over 50 crowd)

by teresa
The phone just was Nick's school. It was Mrs. Gorman from the office. She said...nothings wrong...I just wanted to let you know that Nick missed the bus today because he was putting away the safety patrol gear. He wanted to know if he could walk home (it is 5 blocks down...I can stand on the corner and see the front of the school). The she said or Mrs. Moore (the other secretary) has offered to take him home..... to her house. She giggled! We LOOOVE NICKY..she said! He is such a darling...I wish all our students were as respectful! He said he would come to our house and cut our grass and clean our yards...giggle..giggle! He also said he would walk our dogs....and that he can cook too! Can't you share him with us pleeeease!
They are so funny! I know that made Nick feel good to hear them talk about him like that!
I am soooo gonna miss these ladies when he moves up to the middle school next year!!


Sherri said...

well news like that from the school is always good!

...thanks for stopping by my mentioned not being able to have a carmel frap because of your diet and I just wanted to encourage you...I watch my carbs, calories and fats and have found that I can still have some treats from Starbucks because you can order almost anything low fat and lower in are my two favourites..
1. grande caramel macchiato with no fat (the use no fat milk) and sugar free vanilla (it has splend not sugar or aspartame in it).


2. caramel light frappucino, no whip.

I've also learned to make #1 at home...anyway I'm hoping you can have a bit of an indulgence today:)

Gidget said...

Thanks Sherri...once I'm off this phase one (SouthBeach) I am SO gonna indulge in #1 & #2!!